“Oh Wacker Sir Wacker where art thy Wacker!”
“Oh Wacker Sir Wacker where art thy Wacker!”

“Oh Wacker Sir Wacker where art thy Wacker!”

PAX:Akbar, Cobra, Jose 10k, Speedy Gonzales, Zoolander

Well, 6 PAX circled in anticipation of the Wacker’s arrival. As the clock ⏰ struck 0515 site Q present took charge of the helm. Brief warmup all IC 15 Toe touches, Grass grabber, Windmills, Scorpion kicks, reverse dying cockroach (actually Superman or something of similar comparison), Torso twist, Cherry pickers and 15 OYO squats.

Started our Mosey with Zoolander asking about intervals and with no plan of a repeat from the week before YHC started thinking of Steve and his days previous ascend at the Courthouse. So Q decided the PAX would complete exercises at each passing of Monroe/Massena. Anticipating 4 rounds YHC and the PAX could only pull off 3 rounds.

R1 15 of each Merkins, Big boy sit-ups, jump squats, R2 20 R/R, R3 25 R/R. With time running short PAX arrived back 3 min late for a quick count, COT with Speedy who graciously prayed us out..

👊🏼👍🏼✌🏼 Till the next Gloom