Shhhh  HIIT! – from Akbar
Shhhh HIIT! – from Akbar

Shhhh HIIT! – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Cowbell, Grover, Pelican, Pixie Stix, Waterpik

YHC has been thinking about a HIIT workout for a while but wanted to keep it a secret of sorts. Kinda like when you tell pax to bring gloves, and they don’t show at all. So I kept it quiet, within the family circle. Like the Grinch, tip toeing around with an evil wide grin before stealing presents. Shhh! We are going to do some HIIT today.

The gloom was a humid 61 degrees, which felt like 85 after so much cool weather the last few weeks. YHC and Grover arrived 10 minutes ahead of go time, and quickly saw the blinding LED lights of Waterpik pull up behind. 3 flags planted, 5 on the basketball court picking up trash from the day before, and we were ready to go.

Warm Up: x10 IC – SSH, Grass Grabbers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Self-Love, Torso Twist

Quick warm up run to the stop sign and back, pick up a block and head to center court. About this time, Cowbell showed up to make 6. T Claps to Pixie Stix for grabbing a man-sized block at age 15, it was duly noted that Grover was using a half block until last month.

Thang: HIIT

It was one of those days when some things look good on paper, but you quickly need to modify. We went through multiple sets of Tabata with varying work and rest times focusing on form, power, lean, and some plyo work

Set 1: Power 3 sets of each exercise; 15s all out work and 40s rest

Mountain Climbers, Squat Thrusters, KettleBell Swings

There was some low mumble chatter about going all out for 15s and a 40s rest. It did seem like 40 was long so a modification/intensification was needed and we bumped it down to 30s rest

Set 2: Lean Explosion 3 sets of each exercise; 20s work, 10s rest

Sister Mary Katherine’s, High Knees, Jump Squats

Set 3: Plyo Set 3 sets of each exercise; 30s work, 15s rest

Plank Tuck to Tuck Jump (2 groiners and a jump squat); Plyo jack merkin, Balance Bicycles (Goblet Squat Freddy Mercury); then Block Press Freddy Mercury’s

Set 4: Chest, Tri, Back, Shoulders 30s of work, 15s rest

Tricep Chest Press, Tricep Chest Press with knee raise; Tricep Chest Press with knee raise and leg raise

Block Row, Block Row with Inchworm merkin

Elf on the Shelf; Alpos, Block Curls

Put up blocks, time for 5MOM

Mary x 10 IC: Heels to Heaven, Hands to Heals, Leg Raises, LBC, American Hammers, Crunchy Frogs


Announcements: Krazy Ivan, Run Cajun Run, F2 a week from Thursday with FIA – Tap Room in Covington

Grover prayed us out.

Thanks for hanging in there this morning and giving it your all,

Till next gloom – – Akbar