Hello Humidity  – from Shooter
Hello Humidity – from Shooter

Hello Humidity – from Shooter

PAX:Akbar, Steve, Waterpik

Northshore has had some great weather the last few weeks with small mild fronts passing down mild 70s with little to no humidity.. All that has changed as 4 PAX posted at the Marsh for a heavy humid gloom. We didn’t need much to get the perspiration flowing but coupons sure do accelerate it.. Arriving to the AO with Steve and Akbar awaiting YHC started to stretch and then soon Waterpik arrived by foot which has become his regular means of transport as of late. T👏🏼 to him for logging the lagniappe as we like to say in Southeast LA.. Much respect for the discipline needed to awake extra early to log the extra Waterpik…

10IC Hillbilly’s, self love, Grass grabbers, Imperial walkers, Arm circles and Cherry pickers.

PAX retrieved our coupons, which by the way has surpassed the longest stay at the park in recent memory, as the other stacks have fallen victim to maybe a fire pit or possibly someone’s chain wall for a fence.. No one really knows, but I am guessing the F3 logo applied by Grover and Akbar has simply given this stack the awareness needed to the removers of the past that these blocks are here for purpose and not just something to litter up the park.. Carried to the corner for instructions. Simply 3 rounds consisting of 15 reps and 4 exercises to start adding another on each round. R1 Overhead press, Kettle swings, Squat thrusters and Chest press. Moseyed the square around. R2 R/R adding in Curls and the loop this time included carrying the coupon. R3 R/R adding in 8 count body builders which thinking back as I write this YHC short changed the plank Jack. Maybe it’s the remembrance of Hammers Saturday beatdown that haunted my internals to stop this motion… Anyways, finished with another Mosey around picked up our coupons to return them to their resting place.. Assembled back at center court for some Mary and Jane…
Jane Fonda’s left leg 20 IC toe to knee 15IC and pulses 10IC
R/R right leg
LBCs 20IC to close..

Akbar closed us in prayer with remembrance of those 77 years ago 6/6/1944..
Also praying for Uncle Jimmy and family as they go through a difficult time!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Appreciate you men following my lead and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!