Low and Slow – from Akbar
Low and Slow – from Akbar

Low and Slow – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Bushwacker, Junior Varsity, Milestone Marsh, F3 Northshore

YHC arrived with 2 minutes to spare, greeted by Pik and JV. Buschwacker came in on Cowbell time and with Cowbell speed just in time to finish the warm up. Today we did some tempo work, taking it slow with most exercises Copperhead style.

Warm up: SSH, IW, Hillbillies, Self-Love, Grass Grabbers, Toe Touches IC x 10-15

Mosey to the Lakefront stopping at each block for 2 exercises x 15-20: Merkins, Mountain Climbers; Copperhead Squats/Mountain Climbers; Stone Mountain/ Mountain Climbers; Little Manny Crunches/ Mountain Climbers

Rips: Wall sit with 100 air presses. Run stairs stopping for 25 calf raises on each side.

Wall: Slow Dirkins, Bulgarian Split Squats, Freak Nasties x 15-20 each. Took a breather to say hello to Garfield, then back to the wall for another set of each.

Head back to the Marsh stopping along the way for 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, and 20 LBC’s, arriving just in time for a 2 minute Mary of 100’s, aka Hummingbirds.

Count, Name, and YHC prayed us out

Announcements: 6 year anniversary this Saturday with TankedUp! and Cowbell co-Q

Always a pleasure to start my week with you guys, thanks for following my lead.
