Back in Black – from TurboTax
Back in Black – from TurboTax

Back in Black – from TurboTax

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Einstein, TurboTax

Good to be back at The Gipper after an extended absence and while YHC actually was wearing a white t-shirt this morning, “Back in White” does not have the same cache’ as “Back in Black.” So there.

White or black didn’t matter to the substance of the beatdown though. After a warmup of SSHs, shoulder taps, toe touches, Peter Parkers, seal jacks, Parker Peters, and windmills, it was off to Bedrock to kick off the Thang.

Small boulders were identified and lifted in 90 degrees planes of motion as the PAX either re-habed or pre-habed their shoulders.

Sufficiently warm, we moseyed to the Justice Center for an animal parade of sorts, Partner 1 performing an exercise (shoulder taps, plank reach throughs, 45 degree lunges, and curtsey squats) while Partner motored about 40 yards and back (bear crawls, reverse bear crawls, ostrich walks, gorilla walks, lateral lunges, crabwalks, and giraffe walks).

Back to the shovel flag for some Mary with dynamic back and the side planks.

Countorama, nameorama and then Einstein prayed us out.

Nice to be back in the PAX. Thanks as always for letting me lead.