5 year Westbank AO Anniversary – from Slinger
5 year Westbank AO Anniversary – from Slinger

5 year Westbank AO Anniversary – from Slinger

PAX:Hokie, Kenna Brah, Shortbus, Slinger, SOGO, T-Square, Thighs, Thumb War, Tool

On 15 Aug, The OG Westbank AO celebrated its 5 year anniversary. The goal was to visit all the favorite beatdown locations at the AO in under 45 minutes. Fortunately, we had a cool breeze and a great turnout of westbank and eastbank PAXs.

Thighs opened up the beatdown with a warm up and then everyone moseyed to the Amphitheater.

Thighs led the first Q:
2 Rounds:
Running up and down the 4 sets of stairs of the amphitheater.
Station 1: 15x Hand release Merkins
Station 2: 15x Bulgarian Split Squats
Station 3: 15x Hello Dollies
Station 4: 15x Speed Toe Touches
Station 5: 15x Diamond Merkins

After a quick rest countdown, we moseyed to the parking lot.

Shortbus led the second Q:

While each PAX chair sat along the wall, the PAX passed a coupon down the line. Once the coupon was passed, the PAX did 10 Merkins and then returned to the wall. When all PAX did their Merkins, the coupon was passed back down the line repeating the workout.

Then while the PAX were chair sitting along the wall, 3 paxs ran 25 yards to a coupon and did 10 Goblet Squats and returned. Rinse and repeat until all PAX had completed.

Then the PAX ran across the parking lot and did 50 LBCs and ran back and did 50 Merkins.

T-Square led the third Q:

T-Square brought a frisbee to add some levity to the workout. Pax slung the frisbee and ran in it’s direction till it made first contact with the ground. After first touch down the PAX did:

Round 1 – 2:
1 Burpee then lunge walk to the frisbee’s final resting spot.

Round 3-4:
1 Burpee then Bear Crawl to the frisbee’s final resting spot

Round 5-6:
5 Merkins then Burpee Broad Jump to the frisbee’s final resting spot.
Sprinting had it’s benefits… 😅

Slinger led the fourth Q:

The PAX moseyed to the parking garage.
This set of exercises consisted of running the length of the parking garage and at each new level, we did that # x10 reps of an exercise:

Level 1: 10x Merkins
2: 20x Squats
3: 30x Flutter Kicks
4: 40x
5: 50x Freddy Mercurys

After that, we were at 40 minutes, so we ran back down the stairs and moseyed back to the flag.

As we got a celebratory sports drink to start cooling off, T-Square led the PAX in 20x Box Cutters and then Thighs led 3 sets of Lazy Boys.

T-Square led the final countdown, announcements, and prayer.

Obviously, with all that humidity and heat, it was a tough beatdown. But with all the energy of rotating Qs and supporting PAXs, we had a great celebration of the Anniversary.

Looking forward to many more!
The OG

The OG 5 Yr Photo

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