10 things 10 times, for 10 rounds – from Kenna Brah
10 things 10 times, for 10 rounds – from Kenna Brah

10 things 10 times, for 10 rounds – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Bogey, Fracsac, Kenna Brah, Smooth

Since the activity involves warmups, we headed for the fountain for some appropriate rocks.

Circled up and distributed the mission to each Pax.

Me – set 1-2 10 4ct SSH + 10 Curls, and for set 9-10 10 Slow Squat ( no rock ) + 10 front raise
Smooth Set 3-4 LBC + 10 Chest Press
Bogey Set 5-6 Mountai Climbers + 10 Over Head Press
Frac Set 7-8 – 10 Freddy Mercs + 10 Pullovers

I discovered that I, indeed, have NOT overcome some latent ADD symptoms and that I peaked too soon in life.
After 7 rds Sua Sponte manifested itself and Frac led with some Burpee/Man maker alternatives, the fever spread and pretty soon Sua was Spontenating all over the place, for a great laugh and an effective beatdown. Leadership was shared, 2ndF accelerated.
Head back to the flag for Harry Rockets as a finish ( See video on Slack. )