Leg Day – from Pool Boy
Leg Day – from Pool Boy

Leg Day – from Pool Boy

QIC:Pool Boy
PAX:Bogey, Fast Tax, Mayhem, Pool Boy, Vagabond, Wedding Planner, Manziel

With a quick disclaimer, we jogged to the back of the parking lot by the 2 playgrounds. With the upper body workout that Hokie put us through Monday and still sore, we focused on our man legs.

Warmups consisted of:
Imperial Walkers
Arm circles
Grass grabbers
Abe Vigoda’s
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters

Mosey to the Pavillion
5 Burpee Jumpups – Vagabond said this was a first!!
19 right leg and left leg step ups. Christmas is 19 days away so why not
Decline Presses
Sit against a pole with each PAX counting to 10. Some PAX are better than others with this.

Mosey to playground
With Partner running the steps to the top of the pressbox
50 monkey humpers
100 burpees
150 jump squats
200 lunges
250 crunches
Finish with some Mary

COT. Wedding Planner finished with a prayer lifting up the men of F3.