7 Years of Acceleration and Growth  – from Fracsac
7 Years of Acceleration and Growth – from Fracsac

7 Years of Acceleration and Growth – from Fracsac

PAX:Spaulding, Cheetos, Ballast, Heisenberg, Thumb War, Thighs, Rudy, Bongo, Catfish, FracSac

The last 7 years of my life have been my best years thanks to joining F3 and engaging in workouts, CSAUPs and F2 events with the HIMs of F3 Nola. To celebrate, YHC signed up to Q the Mothership.

Brief disclaimer followed by a mosey to the great lawn for a warmup with regular stuff, including 31 SSH. The question surfaced about 31 and how that is divisible by 7. Patience grasshoppers.

Mosey to the red baseball diamond near the Stadium for some 7 of Diamonds!

Round 1 – 7 burpees at each base OYO
Round 2 – 14 Flutter kicks IC
Round 3 – 21 Superman at home and 2nd. 21 ‘mericans at 1st and 3rd.
Round 4 – 28 LBTs, LBCs, dying cockroaches and Hello Dolly’s.

Because someone….eh em Rudy….attempted to evade the sugar cookie style evolution, high knee burpee penalty in the middle.
Just to make sure we were all good and coated, army crawl from home plate to pitchers mound.

Mosey back to flag, stopping at the Tool Wall for calf raises and monkey humpers per pax request.

Set up some cones in the grassy spot behind the flag and do SSH mind games. Count SSH IC followed by silent set count with all pax to stop with Q or suffer penalties. We had 3 rounds of high knee burpees. Time to move on.

Ultimate pass football in the cones. 5 passes equals a point. This really kept the heart rate elevated.

COT followed by Coffeteria where Triple Shift joined us.

I’m blessed to have been brought into the F3 fold and I’m honored to know each of you. I love you men, and I look forward to accelerating for the next 7 years.