<span class="vcard">Tool</span>

300 is the # of the day

Warm, gloomy, and muggy…perfect conditions for a F3 sweat fest.  That’s what YHC encountered as I made my way to the usual Foundry meeting spot.  It was 5:26 and not a soul in sight.  Was everyone getting their beauty rest?  Was I the only one from Team World that was …

Stomp #144

A half dozen of NOLA’s most elite, middle-aged athletic phenoms showed up on Tuesday to prove we can still run like, or even better than, a bunch of youngsters.  After exchanging the usual pleasantries and kicking around some ideas on which route we’d run, it was concluded that we would …

Curls For The Girls

Seven men got some loving with rocks on Friday at Pontiff…gotta get those guns and upper body honed for the summer.  No running involved so lot’s of time to hopefully build some muscle.  Here’s what we did: IPW x25 Goofballs x20 AC x20 WM x20 Crab Cakes x20 LS Squat …

Whiskey-free Wednesday

City Park was graced this am with the presence of 11 F3 gurus ready to get stronger.  Summer is almost here so time to get the guns in shape and the dad-bods ready for the beach/poolside.  What better way to do that than some upper body circuits with a little …

Bayou Barathon Warm-up

Six of F3’s finest gathered for an evening workout this Wednesday to sharpen our bodies (and livers) in preparation for the upcoming barathon.  For many of us that typically run in the morning, YHC finds it helpful to occasionally get in some runs later in the day as to be …

Trifecta of Anniversaries

Rewind 3 years ago to a rainy Saturday morning in April when YHC was coaxed into coming to his first F3 workout, standing in the dark amid the mud and a bunch of dudes calling each other by goofy names.  Not exactly the best way to spend a Saturday morning …