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Maiden Voyage

Eager to mark our territory with a trail of sweat, 14 PAX, aka privateers, gathered this Monday for a maiden voyage in the uncharted waters of northern 70122, and area deep with nautical history.  This would be a test run to check out the area and also see what interests there …

“Modify only if you need to, not cause you want to”

“Success isn’t always about ‘greatness’.  It’s about consistency.  Consistent hard work gains success.  Greatness will come.”   -Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson  Another fine Saturday at the Muscleship on 6/22.  Fifteen PAX trickled in to start the day off right and get their sweaty fix.  With the Memorial Day Murph a few …

F3 Quantum Physics

Eighteen PAX posted this Wednesday to get their F3 fix at The Foundry. Lots of usual pleasantries exchanged as well as some chirping from the peanut gallery as the troops assembled. Nothing fancy in store, just some old and new variations of the tried and true stuff that would hopefully …

Lone Rangers Need Not Apply

teamwork (noun): work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole. Seven men showed up eager to build some muscle on Saturday.  YHC surfed the F3 site the day before for some fresh ideas and felt some sort of …

The 4th F is for “Fun”

The early moring parade goers in Mid-City were treated to some sweet F3 eye candy on Saturday for the 4th annual Mardi Gras Mambo aka Endymion Run.  Our krewe consited of 22 PAX eager to start the day off right and get in the carnival spirit.  YHC had stewed on …

Keep It Simple Stupid

The Uptowner was greeted with 14 fiends this week itching to get their Friday fix. Although YHC had been voluntold to Q weeks ago, he slacked on working up a fancy workout with a cool theme, laminated weinkie, or pre-arranged cones. Therefore, back to basics for the PAX with 45 …

The Muscleship Launch

“Without continual growth and progress. such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” —Benjamin Franklin The Muscleship blasted off in solid fashion this Saturday, thanks in part to the 16 PAX flight crew that hopped on board for the maiden voyage.  This new workout and AO was strategically …