Run ‘n Ruck ‘n Fun 610 Stomp #90
Run ‘n Ruck ‘n Fun 610 Stomp #90

Run ‘n Ruck ‘n Fun 610 Stomp #90

PAX:Tool, Griswald, Rudy, Triple Shift, Hawgcycle, Da Parish, Fracsac (QIC)

YHC has been preoccupied for the last few weeks, and was thrilled to take on the lead at the 610 Stomp on this fine day.  What makes this day great you ask?  Well, the answer is obvious…..

YHC arrived in the gloom before all others, wondering who might show.  Would a flag arrive this fine morning?  Spoiler Alert – No Flag this fine day….VSF it is then…..

Three hard core and committed PAX came with rucksacks in tow, but all are welcomed at the 610 Stomp.  After a quick disclaimer, YHC gave instructions.  All runners go, and be back for 0605.  Ruckers drop your rucksacks and take a run to P.G.T. Beauregard and return to the VSF.  Which PAX did what?  Next time come and see…..
There would be no dry PAX this day!

Upon arrival back at the VSF, the ruckers donned their rucks and did some power rucking on the track.  All PAX came came together at 0605 at the track for:

Merkins IC- 4 count  x 15
Mumble chatter about the PAX thinking it was going to be 47….
Da Parish suggested we go with 16….great idea!
WW II Sit Ups IC – 4 count x 16
Flutter kicks IC x 16
Real Freddie Mercury IC x 16
Hello Dolly IC x 16
Box Cutters IC x 16
Tin Snips IC x 16

Return to the VSF – exactly 47 minutes after we started. Coincidence? YHC thinks not….
Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and final prayer.

Thanks for joining me this fine morning, and for allowing me to lead.

Ruckers ran 1.6 miles and power rucked 1.4 miles. The runners all did right around 4 miles. Great job to all the PAX at the 610 Stomp!


YHC has been preoccupied the last few weeks. However, YHC will once again keep an eye out for lacking backblasts…….I give the PAX my word!