
No Problemata Tabata

24 person tabata? No problem! We’ll head to they gym today and use the stairs. WARM UPSide straddle hopWind millsGrass grabbersLow slow squatsMountain climbersPeter Parkers JLo’sBox cuttersFlutter kicks Tabata (40 second workout, 20 second rest, 8 times) Divide into 3 groups, each group takes a workout (decline pushups on the Gym …

Honoring Sgt. Joseph Bovia

Sgt. Joseph “Joey” Bovia, USMC, was a native of Metairie, Louisiana.  He served in the Marine Corps for six years.  Sgt. Bovia volunteered for two deployments to Iraq and his last deployment to Afghanistan.  He was the leader of a combat engineering platoon and was building an outpost to protect …

“Modify only if you need to, not cause you want to”

“Success isn’t always about ‘greatness’.  It’s about consistency.  Consistent hard work gains success.  Greatness will come.”   -Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson  Another fine Saturday at the Muscleship on 6/22.  Fifteen PAX trickled in to start the day off right and get their sweaty fix.  With the Memorial Day Murph a few …

One Trick Pony

YHC generally has one favorite Rock City exercise. So in his first Q in many months, and with many new PAX since then, time was right to break it out again. So 5:30 am, time to start with the running disclaimer (we’ve got places to go, PAX….) and off to …

F3 Quantum Physics

Eighteen PAX posted this Wednesday to get their F3 fix at The Foundry. Lots of usual pleasantries exchanged as well as some chirping from the peanut gallery as the troops assembled. Nothing fancy in store, just some old and new variations of the tried and true stuff that would hopefully …

Rolling Stones

Since the Rolling Stones didn’t get to play Jazz Fest, it was only appropriate to pay them homage. Not to mention, Rudy was back from “surgery”, kind of like Mick Jagger. Did you see Jagger’s dance moves after heart surgery? Yeah, we didn’t get that from Rudy today. Warmup:Side straddle …