F3 Quantum Physics
F3 Quantum Physics

F3 Quantum Physics

PAX:Smooth, High Rise, Breadsticks, Breifs, Fracsac, Mr. Awesome, Screw Top, Shingles, Jesus Juice, The Undertaker, Room Service, Shuffles, Rudy, Kuch, Half Nelson, Balloo, YaMomAnEm

Eighteen PAX posted this Wednesday to get their F3 fix at The Foundry. Lots of usual pleasantries exchanged as well as some chirping from the peanut gallery as the troops assembled. Nothing fancy in store, just some old and new variations of the tried and true stuff that would hopefully have everyone leaving high as a kite.

Warmup – mosey down RM with some backpedaling and high knees to get the juices flowing. Peeled off into a field that according to Rudy was mowed, it was not, so we shifted over to some good grass for a COP including IW x20, WM x10, AC x20, LS Squat x20, Goofballs x25, Burpees x5 x5 x5. Then a mosey to….

Thang #1 – Foundry circuit that was sure to include the original theme of The Foundry workout, improving on pullups. So we broke up into six stations, alternating upper body and lower body, with the following exercises: Pullups, Squats, Body Rows, Burpees x8 (timer), Bench Dips, Big Boy Situps. Two rounds then…

Thang #2 – After a mosey to the backside of the track, we made our way to the open rubberized area that has seen many a F3 sweatdrops. We lined up by age and split in half, old vs young to see if millineal-ish PAX have what it takes to overtake the more experienced and seasoned PAX. This was a competitive circuit but note the scoring system was far from perfect, due to YHC’s quick and possibly vague instructions.
Round One – Bear Crawls in one min (line to line):  Old Bucks 89, Young Bucks 60 (numbers may be skewed due to YHC’s quick explanation). Crossfit Merkins in one min: Young Bucks 261, Old Bucks 240. Backpedal/Sprint Relay: Youngs Bucks edged out the Old Bucks.

Next we did a little test to see if time spent in F3 has a direct correlation to superior speed and strength so we split into two groups, those who have been in F3 more than a year and those less than a year.
Round Two – Bear Crawls in one min (line to line):  F3 Veterans 94, F3 Rookies 60 (numbers skewed?…each way was one).  Crossfit Merkins in one min:  F3 Veterans 207 (w/one man down), F3 Rookies 192. Backpedal/Sprint Relay:  F3 Veterans edged out the F3 Rookies in a photo finish. 

Was hoping to do a third round based on height to answer the age old question, does size really matter?   

It was hard to base an outcome on this and it was mentioned we may have to do this again in the future with more time and a tweaked scoring system.

Back to the flag for a COT to cap off a another fine morning in the gloom.


  1. Working in pullups in large groups is taking more creativity as the PAX grows….which seems like a good problem to have.
  2. When we lined up by age, it was good to see a healthy mix.
  3. When we lined up by time spent in F3, it was cool to see lots of newer guys, all of which seem to have a gung-ho level that meets or exceeds that of the veterans.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and try a few new things.
