The Gipper
The Gipper

Trail Blazing at the Trailhead

Great to see Steve made it with the PAX even though he was out with friends till 0100 this morning. 0600 came early for him. Sorry we missed EiEi, something about  butter milk and cookies hurting his tummy😬! The Thang Warmup 20xic Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Squats, Butt Kicks, Mountain …

Foggy Mountain Breakdown

There certainly are no mountains in Covington but we do have stairs, plenty of fog this time of year, and YHC believes that Einstein could sing a plaintive Bluegrass tune or two if requested.  It was that kind of morning as the PAX converged around the shovel flag in the …


The shovel flag is now a regular fixture at the Covington Trailhead on Wednesday mornings. City employees have embraced the PAX.  One glance at Tank-Up counting out his Merkins have them convinced that we are some sort of retired SEAL collective. So the PAX got down to business this morning with …

Just in Time

Great to see Collard Greens and Tank-Up return for their second post this morning.  Something about the approaching storm motivated the 4 strong PAX to get after it without delay, warming up with a sense of urgency under the Gipper’s gaze:  Seal Jacks 20x IC, IW 20x IC, Torso Twists …


“The wild gander leads his flock through the cool night; Ya-honk! he says, and sounds it down to me like an invitation; The pert may suppose it meaningless, but I listen close; I find its purpose and place up there toward the November sky.” …Walt Whitman; Leaves of Grass   …

Bats Gone Wild

All Souls Day started out with TurboTax being nudged in the shoulder by a live bat, and not the World Series kind, but one of the bug-catching kind! Could this have been some soul reaching out? Don’t know, but the bat thing has to be a first for the F3 …

Pretzel AMRAP

Only Blackbird could return from a week of backpack elk hunting in the Utah mountains refreshed and ready to humble the Covington PAX.  EiEi is used to it by now but welcome Steve to the geriatric Covington PAX where sextuagenarians abound, and bound, and jump and crush and inspire the …

“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.” – William Bliss

It took half a week to find an October quote to lead-off with… Anyways…’twas a nice morning for posting; somewhat cooler, and less humid than normal. And two posted, to work on their stalwartiness…. warmup 20xIC jumping jacks 20xIC windmills 20xIC imperial walkers 20xIC donkey kicks 20xIC arm swings 10x …