The Incarnation  – from Kenna Brah
The Incarnation – from Kenna Brah

The Incarnation – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah

Alone and nearly lost heart, when Lo SOGO showed up in his sleeveless glory.
Unloaded all of the HIM manufacturing gear and began –
The theme is Christ’s Incarnation:
I pulled ideas from the Gospel accounts and some from 15th century history.
X Factor 20 – as the Star the lead the wisemen
Animals in the stable –
Earth (Inch) Worms – there’d be plenty of them in the ground under the stable.
Donkey (bear )Crawls – added a L/R leg lift and each set of 10 steps
Side Lamb Shuffles about 50 yds out and back- because sheep and stuff
Genuflects LR 10x – shepherds worshipping.

Main Thang –
We traded the two timers sets as the non-timer did repeated things with MACE, weights or the other 40# sand bag

Timer – 40# Sandbag Rifle Carry or Tire Drag ( see below) – You’re the donkey on the flight to Egypt carrying a heavy load 50 yds out and back

40# Weighted Tire Drag- You’re Joseph and Mary dealing with this incredible responsibility
Choice 1 Heavy Ball Bat ( MACE)- You’re Herod’s soldiers killing the innocents
Choice 2 Farmer Carry/Kettlebells 30# plates –
Choice 3 Other 40# sandbag work OYO

Throughout I read scriptures and other history around the Incarnation and it’s purpose.