Wiggins, Mississippi F3 Workout???
Wiggins, Mississippi F3 Workout???

Wiggins, Mississippi F3 Workout???

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Mathlete, Yo-Yo (Circus), Rev Sox, Babyface, Septic (FNG - Billy Bloom), Zoolander (FNG - Micah Baamonde)


Every year our local homeschool community goes to enjoy a bit of the outdoors at Flint Creek Water Park in Wiggins, Mississippi.  It’s a great time where families can spend time outdoors and we can let the kids run wild in the woods without worrying.  This year, it was the weekend after Mardi Gras and the weather was not too cold for campfires but it was a great time to get together to hang out.  On Friday night, we had a scheduled weenie roast where all the families would be in attendance.  A perfect time to EH some fresh blood!  Unfortunately, I arrived late and couldn’t EH anyone for the planned Saturday workout but Mathlete and Babyface filled in with honors!


The next morning, I arrived at the levee which is twice the size of our beloved Okwata levee at 6:55 am and our shovel flag was already up.  Coupons (rocks) were ready to go.  I welcomed the two (2) FNGs and gave my disclaimer which was received with the “What the H@!# did I sign up for” look.



Mosey across the top of the levee about 200 yards out and then headed back.  Did the standard SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, and Arm Circles.



Partner up for a Coupon Dora!  PAX 1 carries the coupon down the hill and then walks back up the hill while PAX 2 does said exercise then flapjack.

100 burpees, 200 ww2 situps and 300 air squats

After that epic event, we circled up for a Jack Webb and finished with a bunch of Mary




We closed out with naming our 2 FNGs and asked the Lord to help us be better fathers and husbands….especially that weekend!

Coffeeteria at a local donut shop and good times!  Thanks for letting me lead!