The PAX that ISIs Together Scrambles Together
The PAX that ISIs Together Scrambles Together

The PAX that ISIs Together Scrambles Together

PAX:Bushwacker (QIC), Cowbell, Shooter, Steve, Waterpik

YHC noticed 69degrees on the dash in the truck while en route, and had to check the date to make sure this wasn’t a dream. It was a great treat indeed to start off a Thursday morning in July with a scramble in such weather! Cowbell arrived an uncharacteristically 3 minutes early in order to get a jump on his planking for the day. And planking was, in fact, to rule the day.


10 Toe Touches


1 minute plank


While the PAX ran the regular route, we stopped at 4 designated spots for 1 minute planks, which kept speedsters Steve and Waterpik in their place. Thus, the scramblers scrambled as one! That was, until Waterpik had to peal off to get home, having to be on the southshore by 7. T claps for showing his dedication by showing up even in a time crunch.


You guessed it…another minute of plank. This time followed by 10 burpees just because. We finished up with 3 more minutes for plank.


count-off and nameorama, with Q praying out in appreciation.

Well done gents! Another gloom in the books here on the north shore.