Time Trials at the Stomp
Time Trials at the Stomp

Time Trials at the Stomp


Since we do all this damn running anyway, we might as well see how we’re doing, right? There is some good research that suggests setting real goals and regularly tracking progress increases our chances for success. So let’s do it. Today: a 5k

Of course, there is also the matter of a beautiful hammer adorned in freedom and f3 stickers that we would like to hang on to. Perhaps the “men of the Wally run” or the weekend crew will actually bring it out to the Stomp for all to enjoy next time.

In no particular order, here are the times submitted to me and a list of the PAX who have not submitted a time yet, in the event they decide to:

  1. Shuffles: 18:47
  2. Briefs 24:57
  3. High Rise 28:37
  4. Jesus Juice 24:58
  5. Rev Sox 26:06
  6. Shorty: 25:24
  7. Kuch: 24:55
  8. Da Parish 29:56
  9. Boo Boo 29:10
  10. Belloq 24:05
  11. Rudy 24:10
  12. Catfish 21:20
  13. Screwtop 22:07
  14. Blowfish 28:30
  15. Tool 28:30
  16. Sheetrock 23:30
  17. Tugboat 38:08 (3.04 miles)
  18. Mahatma
  19. War Eagle
  20. Bongo
  21. Breadsticks 22:07
  22. Holygrove
  23. Frac Sac

We will revisit this challenge post RRR and see if we got any faster.

Thanks, as always, for allowing me to lead a workout in a group full of leaders. – Kuch