RIP to a Block Named Blayne – from Catfish
RIP to a Block Named Blayne – from Catfish

RIP to a Block Named Blayne – from Catfish

PAX:Abacus, Catfish, High Rise, Jesus Juice, Kuch, Mama’s Pride, Saban, Scooter, Triple Shift

Big day at the mountain, starting with 8-counts at the shelter. Moseyed to the southern side of the mountain for 5 mins of EMOM burpees.

Moseyed up to the peak for a nice wall-site leg-a-thon. Wall sat with overhead claps, then jump squats. Back to wall sit for seal claps, then monkey humpers. Back to wall sits and moroccan night clubs.

Moseyed down the south side, then to the block place. Grabbed blocks and paired off for a Dora 1-2-3 with 100 thrusters, 200 merkins, and 300 curls. Didn’t quite finish, because needed some time for the Bitch Block Sacrifice. The Q gave a few words, the Bitch Block was named Blayne (who is a bitch, according to the inscription at the top of the mountain), and then Blayne was crushed to pieces and his remains tossed into Bayou St. John. Pour one out for Blayne, what a bitch. Did a final round of man-makers (in cadence) and replaced the (non-bitch) blocks in the spot.

Moseyed back to the path to the shelter. Indian run back, then did some Sister Mary Catherines to seal the deal and bring in the rain. Under the shelter for CoT.