Tribute to Bobby Hurley – from TurboTax
Tribute to Bobby Hurley – from TurboTax

Tribute to Bobby Hurley – from TurboTax

YHC is no Duke fan. He’s a Georgia fan like Yankee. Go Dawgs! But that didn’t stop YHC from paying a tribute of sorts to the Duke basketball star this morning.

After a quick warmup of seal jacks, shoulder taps, imperial walkers, Peter Parkers, hillbillies, Parker Peters, SSHs, and merkins, the PAX made its way to the back of the Justice Center for the first of two AMRAPS.

7 minutes of Bobby Hurleys, broken up into sets of five by a trip up and down the rear Justice Center stairs.

Bear crawl/merkins and lunge walk/Bobby Hurleys through Oak Alley to the front of the Justice Center for the second AMRAP.

7 minutes of hand release merkins, broken up into sets of five by a trip of crossover runs up and down the front Justice Center stairs.

Another trip down Oak Alley…this time sprint/coast and crab walk/crab cakes.

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag for some Mary. Front plank, Jane Fondas, Scuba Steves, more shoulder taps, Nolan Ryans and finally some dynamic back planks.

Good work this morning guys. Thanks as always for letting me lead.