Return to the Marsh – from Akbar
Return to the Marsh – from Akbar

Return to the Marsh – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Waterpik

YHC was excited to return to the Marsh after missing a couple of weeks due to travel. Looking forward to seeing everyone and the traditional catch up on the weekend mosey to the Lakefront. At 5:13, looked like I would be talking to myself this gloom. At the last minute, Pik came running up and we got to work.

Warm Up
SSH, Self-Love, Butt kicks, Imperial Walkers, High Knees, and some other stuff

Short Mosey to the playground for 3 sets of 10: Australian Pullups and Mountain Climbers

Mosey to Rips, stopping at each intersection for Merkins and Sumo Squats, tempo style. 12 IC, 8 IC, 5 IC

11’s at Rips. Plank Jacks and Bobby Hurley’s with a run up the stairs + 20 calf raises each round. Calf raises were cut out halfway to save time and make sure we could walk the rest of the day. Quick Hello from Pik’s M on her morning walk, asking if we were trespassing and we finished up at 5:50

Mosey back to center court stopping a few times for Merkins and Sumo Squats. Mary was Heels to Heaven and LBC’s.

Count, Name, and YHC prayed us out.

Till next Gloom 👊 – Akbar