Three’s Company – from Fracsac
Three’s Company – from Fracsac

Three’s Company – from Fracsac

PAX:Igor, Catfish, Fracsac, Hawgcycle, Rudy, El Guapo

The Tchopitoulos Bar-a-thon the night before very likely led to a light showing at the Mothership. A few beers, some miles and good company is always a good thing. But this rounded out YHCs birthday week, so a few beers wasn’t going to stop this guy.

Lucky for YHC, Igor and Catfish took the DRP and showed up. Rudy, El Guapo and Hawgcycle went running.

Warmup with regular stuff and a new routine, which we’ll call the mutilator. It’s a series of Al Gore, squats and jump squats. There was much joy.

BLIMPS around the Great Lawn.

Next was Bill Murray, aka Groundhog Day. 5 laps around the great lawn, stopping for the following after each lap:

10 burpees, 10 BBSU, 10 Merkins, 10 squats

Time for our resident detective, Jack Webb.

Finish with some Mary, pax choice.

CoT then Coffeteria.

Thankful for another year with F3.