Gorilla Instincts – from Jose10k
Gorilla Instincts – from Jose10k

Gorilla Instincts – from Jose10k

PAX:Bushwacker, Fletch, Hogs Breath, Jose10k, Mobydick, Dark Wing Duck, Turbo Dog

After spending two days in Pensacola swimming with my nephew, I got in at 9 last night. Tired, sunburned,and very sore. But that’s never an excuse to miss the A1C. 78 degrees outside, 92% humidity, still not a reason to skip the A1C. I was thinking about taking it easy, however, a traveler from far away (Slidell) rolled up at exactly 5:15. Anyone who travels that far, deserves a quality beatdown. To be honest, I hadn’t planned a workout. I was planning on making it up as we went. Warm-up: you know how it goes
The Thang: Mosey over to the butterfly garden to pick up a coupon each. Mosey over to the side of the courthouse for a Shooter inspired Gorilla workout. But while walking there, a wise voice came over me. YOU INTENSIFY TO MODIFY. Y’all know who this wise voice is, wisdom beyond his years: that’s right, Hammer’s oldest boy: PickAxe. How do you intensify the Gorilla workout? That’s when I thought of another F3 brother, none other than the stepfather of the splash pad, Russo. I have to throw him a little love, I mean, we hate on him quite a bit. It’s his own fault, he opens his mouth about his lack of taste in 80s and 90s movies, it just makes him a target of ridicule. One thing that we can not make fun of, his intense workouts. And one of his favorite exercises is: murder bunnies. So that’s how we intensified this morning’s workout. 8 reps of each exercise, curls, shoulder presses, kettlebell swings, and merkins. Then murder bunny to the first intersection. 8 gorilla squats, then rifle carry the block back to the start. Returned the blocks, back to the top of the A1C for 5 minutes of Mary led by Hogs Breath. YHC had to leave to bring his car back for his daughter to use. As always, it was an honor to lead you gentlemen. Thanks for read. Hammer’s offspring has the Q tomorrow morning. Mark it in your calendar, and plan to show. July 28th marks the 3rd anniversary of the A1C. Come out and celebrate with us. I do hope that our cross town rivals will join us too. SYITG