The not so secret Wally Sprint – from Fracsac
The not so secret Wally Sprint – from Fracsac

The not so secret Wally Sprint – from Fracsac

PAX:Fracsac, Hokie, Scantron, Rougarou, Triple Shift, Rudy, Vagabond, Pai Gow, Two Yutes, The Architect, Willie, Big Willie, Moana, Kennah Bruh, Gabrielle, Hawgcycle, Judy P

The Wally Sprint AO is no longer a secret, as could be seen with 17 posting today. Dinghy scoped it out last week and inevitably reported back to Moana that it was indeed an acceptable place to post. So Moana put his EH hat on and brought in a new member to our cult….err….Group!

10 Pax sprinted under the direction of Pai Gow while rest did Knots or S&M. There’s something for everyone on Tuesday at Pontiff, so come on out and then hit up the Discipline is Destiny discussion after.



Welcome Judy P! It’s a reference to a judge and his last name is Long. Apparently we need help in the naming category. TCLAPS to Moana for the EH!

Oh, and Strava tells me I’m a local legend in the 400M at Pontiff. Think you can take the title? C’Mon!