Descend the Ladder con Roca – from Bolt
Descend the Ladder con Roca – from Bolt

Descend the Ladder con Roca – from Bolt

PAX:Architect, Bolt, Boo-Boo, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Kenna Brah, Mahatma, Mambi, Mayhem, Mr Rogers, Pool Boy, PVC, Rougarou, Scantron, Vagabond, Bump

Warmorama of the usual; Vagabond erroneously thought Kenna Brah had the Q and I’m sure regretted showing up for another of my musically schizophrenic playlists.
The Thang: Descending Ladder with a rock (10 reps/exercise down to 9, 8, etc. reps/exercise): Squat (coupon), OH press, Curls, chest press, tricep press.
Begin at first tree along side the parking lot facing the gym (it was here that Mahatma took off to second tree to do exercise one—not the directions!), Carry rock to second tree for second exercise where we all paid five burpee penalty for the transgression.

At fifth tree plank on the six, turnaround and head back the opposite way with one less rep/exercise finishing at starting point. Rinse/repeat until we’ve descended the ladder.

It was prior to starting round six that I introduced the skip exercise rule: call out, “skip” and roll Deca die of pain for our fate that replaces the skipped exercise, advance to next tree and resume the ladder. Mr. Rogers went first, followed by several others; we did ultimately finish the ladder in time to return rocks and circle up at the flag for Rochamburpee until time: winner does five merkins, loser does three burpees.

Honored to lead and totally spent; this one sucked. COT.