Ramping up for the New Year – from Einstein
Ramping up for the New Year – from Einstein

Ramping up for the New Year – from Einstein

PAX:Einstein, Jose10k, Shooter, shipwrecked Moby, meetless BBQ

A cool 36 degrees at the A1C this morning. The mighty Shooter jumps out of his mirth mobile in shorts and, of course, no gloves.

After a quick warmup of windmills, sshops, neck rolls, arm circles, scissors, parker peters, toe touch,etc. it was off to the ramp

On the ramp, starting from the bottom – a set of 11s. Merkins of your choice at the bottom,
jump squats at the top. Forward run, backpeddle run, left side shuffle, right side shuffle on the return trips

Then to the upper deck for speed skater drills, star jacks, with core excercises at the four corners. Finished up with the world’s greatest stretch.

Jose10K prayed us out.