The Art of the Poor Plan – from Fracsac
The Art of the Poor Plan – from Fracsac

The Art of the Poor Plan – from Fracsac

PAX:Thumb War, Smooth, Bongo, Rudy, Maytag, Vagabond, Catfish, Fracsac, Rebirth

9 Pax gathered around the shovel flag in hopes of a quality beat down from a Q that put significant effort into the planning of said beat down. YHC intended to do his best to let the pax down easy.

The Great Lawn was like an anthill with busy workers assembling their vendor stations for the morning market, which was odd to see at 0630. So much for the plan thought out on the drive in.

Brief disclaimer and mosey to the peristyle for the warmup. The speaker was playing classic 80s music and it was good.

Head back towards the flag to stop at the truck for a few toys. Grab the 1.5 inch rope x 25 feet (or thereabouts), an exercise die (two would be dice), a frisbee, and a jump rope.

Mosey to the tree line by NOMA. Separate into 3 groups of 3.
Group 1 – Keeping the rope off the ground, run 5 trees, do 10 squats and return (timer). If the rope touches the ground it’s a 5 burpee penalty.
Group 2 – Roll the die and do what it says.
Group 3- toss frisbee, lunge walk to it, then 3 burpees.
Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the Tulips and learn some useless tulip facts. Do some burpees. Do 3 minutes of Embrace the Suck.

Mosey to the singing oak and do failure to launch, Embrace the Suck x 3 minutes, ring of fire.

Mosey back to the flag.



Apparently we had an FNG this morning. I learned this at the CoT, which is a problem if you’re the Q. Thankfully everything worked out, except the beat down was a total mess filled with useless facts and even wrong information. Regardless, calories were burned, sweat was drawn, and no man was left behind.

Welcome Rebirth!!