Ballgames – from TurboTax
Ballgames – from TurboTax

Ballgames – from TurboTax

PAX:Barely Legal, Bushwacker, Einstein, Fletch, Mobydick, Tanked Up, TurboTax

After a quick warmup of imperial walkers, toe touches, mountain climbers, windmills, SSHs, and seal jacks, the PAX headed over to the Justice Center for some ballgames. Operating in a cone demarcated field, the PAX played a passing game with a tennis ball. Various permutations with various penalties for fumbles had the PAX working hard on their ball skills. Tanked Up was particularly adept at handling the ball, and one can only think he gets lots of practice. At any rate, fun for all and then we traveled back to the shovel flag for our countorama, nameorama and prayer. Thanks for letting me lead guys. Krazy Ivan this Friday at 8 p.m. Mandeville Lakefront gazebo with F2 afterwards at the Barley Oak.