Confusion at the Renaissance by Triple Shift – from Vagabond
Confusion at the Renaissance by Triple Shift – from Vagabond

Confusion at the Renaissance by Triple Shift – from Vagabond

PAX:Bullseye, Catfish, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Mahatma, Mayhem, Triple Shift, Vagabond

It’s Father’s Day and I was all excited to bring out the coupons (kettlebells and dumbbells) to get our old man strong bods in shape. After talking with Fracsac yesterday at coffeteria, he said no has signed up so I said I would take it. After signing up, I received an email that confirmed that I was the Q. The only problem was that I signed up for next Sunday, June 25th. Insert Face Plant meme here.

As I started to unload the bus with all the weights, Vagabond informed me that he was the Q and graciously allowed me to co-Q with him especially will all the gear I brought. Anyway, here we go.

Vagabond starts us off with 25 SSH, 10 Slow Vigodas, 10 Grass Grabbers, 10 Bob and Weaves, 10 Hill Billys, 10 Hip Slappers, and 10 Wax on/offs. Short mosey to the grass to the left of NOMA for a descending ladder of 20/15/10/5 Merkins, 20/15/10/5 Big Boy Situps, and 20/15/10/5 Bobby Hurleys. After we did a first set, we lunged walk up the ramp then ran back to the beginning. On the second round after we did the 15/15/15, we lunged walked then bear crawled then ran back to the grass. On the third round after the 10/10/10 we lunged walked, bear crawled then did 2 burpees at 4 well-spaced orange cones then ran back to the start. Finally, after 5/5/5, we lunged walked, bear crawled, then did 4 burpees at the 4 well-spaced orange cones the ran back to the start.

Time for the hand off and then the weights. The instructions were to pick up a weight and start at the landing area in front of NOMA. We would do 20 single arm rows, then farmer carry the weight to the first light pole then do 18 squats. From there we would farmer carry the weight to the second light pole and do 15 hand release merkins. Continuing with the farmer carry, we would go to the third light pole and do 13 American Hammers with the weight in a letter ‘U’ pattern. Finally, we would farmer carry the weight to the fourth light pole and perform 10 bulgarian split squats with the weight (each leg). The numbers 20, 18, 15, 13, and 10 are the ages of my children and I was hoping to do 5 rounds of this routine but that was too ambitious, and we didn’t have enough time. Mosey back to the front of NOMA to drop off our weights and we headed to the back of NOMA for a surprise and of course Sunday Mornings. The surprise exercise was Burpees/Donkey Kicks! Like a Jack Webb routine, we did 1 burpee in cadence then 2 donkey kicks. We increased it all the way up to 6 burpees / 12 donkey kicks. #Crowd Pleaser. Finally, we did 2 Sunday mornings then headed back to the flag.

Countoff, namerama then memory lane. I asked the PAX to share a good memory they had with their father in honor of Father’s Day. What a special time getting to hear the stories of time well spent and memories made with their dads. I prayed us out and ask God to bless us to be the fathers we were designed to be. Happy Father’s Day!