Crazy 8’s – with a detour – from Reluctant Yankee
Crazy 8’s – with a detour – from Reluctant Yankee

Crazy 8’s – with a detour – from Reluctant Yankee

A cold and damp gloom for a beatdown.
I had the Q for a wet one ….ran to the Field across from the ZOO.
Then we did a COP warmup
SSH x 20, Imp Walkers x 10, Imp Walker Squats x 10, Hillbillies x 20 then Mtn Climbers x 20

Mosey to the road that leads to the ZOO from Magazine.
12 hard release merks at the crossing

Mosey to the Birdwatcher statue (Audubon)
Here we did a plank based exercise x 24 for each lap
1. JLO 2. Plank Jack 3. Peter Parks 4. Park Peters

Run back to the mid point of the 8. 12 hand release merks again.

Mosey to the Magazine St entrance to the ZOO.
1. LBT 2. LBC 3. Russian Twist 4. Freddie Mercs

Complete a full 8 and rotate the exercise on every loop – restart at the top of the list.
I completed 6 loops. Others completed 7.

At the end we did Low Country Crab x 20.

Run back to the FLAG. At the FLAG – we planked for the 6.

Gave thanks and gratitude for accountability and for maintaining relationships with old friends.