Marsh Moonset – from Akbar
Marsh Moonset – from Akbar

Marsh Moonset – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, The Hammer, Waterpik, Milestone Marsh

The Spring Tease ended with another cool front, which was welcome to the Pax this brisk gloom. The past two Mondays have been difficult for YHC, since the Lakefront beatdowns have been brutal. Mondays plan was to take it easy on Chest, Legs, and Abs, but Shoulders hurt too – so let’s just pretend the Murph didn’t happen then.

Warm up:
SSH, Shoulder rolls(f/b), Grass Grabbers, Self-Love, Arm Circles (f/b), Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Windmills

Mosey to the Lakefront stopping for 5 Merkins, 10 Squats, 15 Abs of choice

Arriving at the Lakefront, we took in an amazing Yellow Moonset behind the Causeway. When the moon is low in the sky, it tends to have a yellow orange hue because the Moon’s light travels a longer distance through the atmosphere.

Yellow Moons also have positive spiritual meanings such as peace, optimism, abundance, balance, and prosperity. Some people perform rituals like a moon bath, meditation, or thinking about our desires.

Our ritual was the Freak Nasty, Bulgarian Split Squats, and 11’s of Stone Mountains / Rocky Balboa’s with a run up and down Rips stairs on each round.

Elated, we moseyed back without stopping for exercises and returned to the court circle for Mary. Freddy Mercury’s, Single Leg Glute Bridges, Hello Dolly, Rosalita, and a 3 second plank.

Count, Name, and YHC prayed us out.


Zoorich Classic this Saturday, bring your frisbee unless you want to use one from Dollar General.

Spartan Run in Dallas mid-October – 7 are in, get with The Hammer if you want to go.

SYITG – Akbar

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