9: For/19 – from Bolt
9: For/19 – from Bolt

9: For/19 – from Bolt

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Bolt, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Kenna Brah, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Space Cowboy

YHC pre-blasted a call for HC the night before as the plan was developing to gauge headcount and in true F3NOLA fashion there’s was minimal response so it was pleasantly surprising to see the mid-field circle grow to 10 pax as the warmorama began with our much beloved theme song (I know Frac secretly has it on “repeat” as he drives to work his 2, soon to be 3 days a week–COMPLIANCE!).
Abe SLOWgodas, SSH, seal/OH claps, tie fighters, self love, mosey to playground to complete warm ups with Morning Calls. Mosey to the rock pile advising pax to select a medium rock they could do lots of reps with, where YHC laid out IN CLEAR DETAIL, that we would do 9 (on 4/19, where’s Rudy when I need him!?) consecutive exercises of 25 reps each OYO and as you finished either plank or SSH on the six.
OH press
Big boys 
American Hammers
Tricep press
Calf raises
The mumblechatter was considerable and distracted the pax from executing properly because after going through the entire list of 9 YHC reiterated the first three as we began to kick us off and announced I’d call them out as we progressed. Some nameless pax (KB/Mr R) were planking after the first 75 reps which created confusion for other pax and elevated the mumblechatter—must get back on the rails. We continued through the next six exercises without much incident and considerably less mumblechatter, especially as the final task of 25 man-makers loomed large (grunts replaced words—success). Round two each pax was issued one of the same nine exercises and led the circle of pax in cadence then the next pax so all 9 are done without stopping: 1 rep each, which Bogey took issue with as not being worth it and also complained about the getting down/up which (was BY DESIGN); along the way we learned Mr. Rogers was never given the you tube link for counting cadence. Subsequent rounds were 2 then 5 then 10 reps per exercise before the next pax led in cadence with slight pauses between rounds to catch our breath.
Next was 5 minute EMOM of what else—10 burpees! This is when Bogey decided to use the burpee rule thinking he was gaming the system yet he simply added more burpees to the count. We finished with protractors.

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