No Mama’s Pride?  Surprise, Surprise – from Rudy
No Mama’s Pride? Surprise, Surprise – from Rudy

No Mama’s Pride? Surprise, Surprise – from Rudy

PAX:Cheese Steak, Hawgcycle, Jingle Vader, Rudy, Saban, Glitter Balls

Someone (won’t name names, except I already did) seems to be developing a reputation for skipping Qs. And I’d been looking forward to his Q – as he does seem to have a reputation for being an Angry Q when he does show up! Maybe one day soon….

(Note: your humble IT coordinator resists the allegations that the failed Q signup is a technology problem. YHC believes this would represent a case of PICNIC.)

So at 530, the 6 PAX (including a rollin’ in hot Hawg) got started with YHC making stuff up.

Saban, Glitter Balls, Cheese Steak, Jingle Vader, Hawg and I – great mix of old school and new blood! In fact, YHC is absolutely thrilled to realize that GLITTER BALLS IS A TECH GUY! YHC HAS FOUND HIS REPLACEMENT! WOO HOO!!!

The Thang:
At the fountain, rotate through 3 rounds of Dips/Irkins/Derkins/Sit Ups/Step Ups with a timer running a lap around the fountain.

Hawg wants some levee work – so up to the top, and over to the house of pain.

1 pair down to the house for 5 pull ups each, bernie sanders back up. 1 pair down the levee for 10 squats, bernie sanders back up. 3rd pair just burpees up top. Rotate through each 3 times.

Then just some forward/backward running up and over the levee for about 6 minutes just to kill some time.

Back to the flag for some round robin Mary finishing spot on 615 with Cheese Steaks Leg Lift kinda cadence..

COT: Yesterday, YHC’s church group talked at length about intentionality in our thoughts, words and actions, and how easy it is for us to lose that intentionality through the day when fighting off the gazillion daily distractions. Today, YHC asks for inspiration and guidance to retain that intentionality, and strive to be an example to those around me.

Remember – H8! next week, then Convergence on the 22nd!