
Wait… WPM on a Monday???

During coffeeteria after Sweaty Bells, YHC asked Douille “Who has the Q tomorrow for the Skinny?” Good thing YHC asked because Douille responded “You got the Q tomorrow!” With Run Ranger Run in mind, YHC knew he wanted to incorporate the workout with more than 3 miles within 45 minutes. …


Where are my keys, YHC kept muttering to himself.  Tick tock tick tock.  YHC roared in half a minute late to lots of mumblechatter.  Disclaimer easy to give. Definitely not a professional trainer.  So off go the PAX with a mosey around the track to the flag pole. Warmup: SSHs …

Brick by Brick v.2

DISCLAIMER YHC was ready to start my 46th trip around the sun this morning with a beatdown in the gloom. Quick disclaimer and we were off on the running path for warmup mosey, the long way around to the band stand. WARM UP45 SSH IC, 20 Grassgrabbers IC, 20 windmills …

Apparently you just run

What a lovely day for a brisk run around Audubon. We started with two laps around the park stopping at the Magazine entrance each time for 10 pull-ups and the St. Charles entrance for 10 burpees. After the run we circled up at the St. Charles entrance for some Mary: …

Halfway to 70

Can’t think of a better way to spend the day after my birthday than getting sweaty with a bunch of dudes. I never thought I would feel better at 35 than I did at 25. I owe it all to F3 and all of you guys for giving me a …

Midsummer Beatdown

The idea of striving to become the best version of one’s self daily is not a new concept. Embarking on that goal through F3 Beatdowns takes that idea to another level. Every breath I take in a Beatdown is partnered with a sense of humility and camaraderie that I have …