21-15-9 – from Akbar
21-15-9 – from Akbar

21-15-9 – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Amnesia, Barely Legal, Bean, Einstein, Moby Dick, Tanked Up, Yellow Snow, F3 Northshore, The Gipper

YHC had 2 beatdowns in mind and was on the fence about which workout to do all the way to the parking lot. Would it be 21-15-9 or a block grinder? Figuring we’ll have plenty of block work the next month, 21-15-9 it is (with a little block work too).

WU – 20 x SSH, Grass Grabbers, IW IC; Self-Love x 10 IC

Thang 1: 21-15-9 reps each set. First 2 exercises are always Merkins and Squats

Set 1 21 Merkins, 15 Squats, 9 Australian mountain climbers (BTTW position). Mosey to benches at justice center.

Set 2 Freak Nasty, mosey to next concrete stairs

Set 3 Sister MC. Bear crawl to top of stairs

Set 4 Monkey Humpers, run downstairs, back up, lunge walk downstairs, lunge walk up, bear crawl downstairs

Set 5 Calf Raises, mosey to benches or somewhere for triceps

Set 6 Freak Nasties

Thang 2: 21-15-9 block work

Set 7 21 block rows, 15 curls, 3 dirkins – rinse and repeat for 3 total sets

Set 8 21 Tricep raises, 15 Chest Presses, 9 Goblet Squats – rinse and repeat for 3 sets

Recover, back to flag for Mary

LBC, Hello Dolly, E2k right/left x20; Leg raises x 10

Workout called, count-o-rama, name-o-rama

Announcements: Kickball at St Pauls with FIA Thursday. YHC 2 year anniversary Saturday

Great work today guys, thanks for letting me lead – Akbar


21-15-9 is a standard count for crossfit, and there are many variations. I believe the standard is to do 21/15/9 reps of each exercise AMRAP for time. Russo would know that each of those numbers are divisible by 3, so you could vary by 3 sets of 7 and so on. Too confusing for a guy who can’t even add ISI numbers without a calculator. Great to see Yellow Snow out again for his 1st Gipper beatdown.​