Are you ready for some football? – from Jose10k
Are you ready for some football? – from Jose10k

Are you ready for some football? – from Jose10k

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, Bird, Fracsac, Jose10k, Russo, Sea Man, Shooter, Triple Shift, Zoolander, Dangerfield, mathlete, Mayor Booty

Warm-ups: ssh, grass grabbers, self love, torso twists, windmills, arm circles.
The thang: The pax moseyed to the wall ( east or west, I’m directionally challenged) stopping at every fire hydrant to do 5 burpees. Over the bridge to a nice wide open space for a little 7v7 football. Each team must complete 5 conductive passes to score a point. First team to 5 wins, the penalty for the team not scoring the point was 5 burpees for the first game, 10 jump squats for the second game. Zoolander came prepared wearing cleats, we had a drive by from Bushwacker, blood was shed from Bird and Fracsac, and Shooter laid YHC out. But it was a fun and much needed game day. Moseyed back for leg lifts to end it out when we discovered that the church bell chimes at 7:30, who knew. COT, Shooter prayed us out, welcome FNG Mayor Booty. Thanks for letting me lead, SYITG brothers!