Mosey-Go-Round – from Einstein
Mosey-Go-Round – from Einstein

Mosey-Go-Round – from Einstein

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Bubba, Einstein, MobyDick, Tenderfoot, TurboDogSunny

…hitting the Covington hotspots

all 15xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, High Knees, Thumb Drives,
Butt Kicks, Hi Jack Hi Jills, Neck Rolls

Mosey to the Taj Mahal back lot; leg swings: left to right and front to back, using the parking stanchions for support.
Then a ladder set using the parking stripes as a template, run up – back peddle back in 2,4,6,8, parking spaces for the ladder rung spacing, then repeat side shuffling to the left, repeat side shuffling to the right
Mosey to the front of the Taj Mahal; plank up for a set of shoulder taps, peter parkers, and parker peters.
Mosey to the Justice Center parking garage ramps; for the usual – lung walk backwards half way up then sprint the remainder repeating to the upper deck.
Then a ladder set of star jacks, starting with one then adding one at every other parking stripe – total 91 star jacks.
Then a ladder set of squats, starting with one then adding one at every other parking stripe – total 91 squats.
Mosey back to the AO depot

Rosalittas, V-Ups,


Bubba led us out with a prayer.