Fab Four at the Gipper – from Einstein
Fab Four at the Gipper – from Einstein

Fab Four at the Gipper – from Einstein

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Einstein, Mobydick

all 20xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Shoulder Rolls, Imperial Walkers, Hi Jack Hi Jills, Hillbillys

Mosey to the Justice Center parking garage ramps; for the usual – lung walk backwards half way up then sprint the remainder repeating to the upper deck.
On the upper deck for B.O.M.B.S; while partnered up; 25 Burpeess, 50 O Leg Trace, 75 Merkins, 100 Big Boy Sit-Ups, 150 Squats
Partner one starts on the exercise while partner two runs out and back picking up on the count on the flip flop.
Mosey back to the AO, back pedaling down the ramps

Rosalittas, Flutter Kicks, one minute Plank,


BBQ led us out with a prayer.