It Wasn’t Me – from Architect
It Wasn’t Me – from Architect

It Wasn’t Me – from Architect

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Boo-Boo, Door Dash, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Mahatma, Mayhem, Pool Boy, Rougarou, Vagabond, War Eagle, Wedding Planner

Since the listed Q didn’t show, and no one else stepped up, I had no choice but to take the lead and use my enhance mental capacity to scheme up a decent workout on the fly.

Disclaimer provided, encouragement provided to push one’s self. Warm-ups conducted.

Mosey’d to playground for some group therapy. First group hung out, second group just sat there, and the third remained face down. Threw in some squats because there were some special requests for leg work. PAX rotated through the three stations above.

Partnered up and grabbed some rocks. Round 1 – Pairs made it across the baseball field, one riffled carried, the other bear crawled (also by special request). Partners switched as needed. Round 2 – repeat round 1 but with lunges (again, trying to accommodate special requests)

PAX whined about HR remaining too low (obviously they neglected to listen to the disclaimer). YHC threw in some sprints and BBsitups. After rocks returned, workout concluded with some Mary and COT.