EHing the Wild West – from Fracsac
EHing the Wild West – from Fracsac

EHing the Wild West – from Fracsac

PAX:SOGO, RevSox, Maytag, Boo-Boo, Space Cowboy (FNG), Gabrielle, Reluctant Yankee, Fracsac

There was an FNG alert broadcast across the channels for the Scrum, or the Goldmine or whatever we call Lasalle these days. Gabby and Yankee came from uptown to support their EH.

Maytag, Boo-Boo, SOGO, RevSox, the FNG and YHC rounded out the 8.

Disclaimer followed by a warmup.

First thang:

Stations. Partner up. 4 stations, dead hanging, dips, steps ups and 10 burpees for the timer. Rinse and repeat.

Dirty Mac Deuce.
4 rounds of 3 exercises (arm leg and core) with a lap in between.

Mosey to the field for bear crawls, lunge walks and burpees. Finished off with some Mary.

Mosey back to the flag for COT.

Welcome Space Cowboy!