A Variety Pack – from Mahatma
A Variety Pack – from Mahatma

A Variety Pack – from Mahatma

PAX:Bogey, Hand Grenada, MacGyver, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Triple Shift

Looking at the open holes in the Q sheet YHC figured the only way to fill them is to step up one at a time.
On the drive to El Diablo wheels were turning as to ideas of keeping the beatdown moving one “thing” after another. Always an effort to keep some blocks on hand they know doubt would be added to the mix. At 5:30 5 men were ready to go – dragging along the 2 blocks we headed to the football field to warm up. At some point during our initial stretch a 6 pax sauntered in only as a “Rebel” can!
Warm Up
Side lungs
Grass grabbers
Peter Parker Peter
Shoulder Taps
Mnt Man Poopers

Bleacher run with 5 burpees at either end.

10 minutes to move the block from one endzone and back – pretty simple huh

2 teams of 3 pax and 1 block line up at the goal line
all pax bear crawl to cadence (keeping a somewhat controlled pace) 1 pax rifle carries block out 20 yds returns to the bear crawling pax, next up runs ahead to the block and rifle Carries another 20 yds this continues through all pax until reaching the opposite goal line.

Coming back repeat but Block Kong replaces the riffle carry.

Completed in 6:28

Mosey to the picnic pavilion

365 (apparently there was a little miss understanding of the “6” and some pax substituted only 5 which makes a difference in 5 rounds)
3 THREE Burpees
6 SIX Box Jumps (step ups can be substituted, if you are in a comfort zone)
5 FIVE Rounds
Non Stop calling out each completed rounds
Mr Rogers was the beast finishing 1st with a 20# vest!

Circle Up for some Mary:
V Holds
Gas pump with Hello Dolly
Dr W’s

Mosey to the outhouse
YHC was looking for the perfect wall and we found it.
All pax started in a sqt position, 1 by 1 each pax assumed a balls to the wall (this was done VERY loosely) and then wall crawled from one end to the other.
Rinse and Repeat
Now for some descending JackWebs
20 air press 10 merkins
18 then 9
16 then 8
And so on.

Mosey to the bleacher corral for more Mary:
V Ups
Alt sitting straight leg touches
X factor
Freddie Mercuries

Lat pulls along the bleachers
Not enough room for decline merkins yet even with some belly aching that time should have expired we had 5 minutes!

Back to the field – a block under pull race of course there was controversy as to what line and who got cheated so we all won 5 burpees to finish up.

T Claps to MacGyver for posting after he completed his overnight shift. This lad is a solid example of what young men could use as an example.

COT – as we gathered in the cage what to our surprise a clean sweat less triple shift bounds into the circle bringing our # to 7! Be ready and don’t take anything for granted! Thanks be to God!