What are the Knotters Doing? – from Charmin
What are the Knotters Doing? – from Charmin

What are the Knotters Doing? – from Charmin

PAX:Bolt, Charmin, Fracsac, Glitter Balls, High Rise, Kenna Brah, MacGyver, Mambi, Rougarou, Scantron, Triple Shift

The PAX gathered under the celestial canopy, eager for what awaited them in this divine workout. The QIC, filled with the spirit of fitness, kicked off the morning with a rousing pre-workout count-off that included Mambi coming in hot!

The Thang:
As the PAX embraced the Gloom, they embarked on a celestial journey of rucking and running and an apparently religious KnOT, fueled by the spirit of fellowship and sweat. While the Runners and Ruckers did their tasks, Scantron, inspired by some heavenly wisdom, led the knotters through a Catholic-inspired workout that left everyone questioning whether their abs had just received a blessing or a beating.

The workout included:

Hail Mary Half Mile:
KnOTers circled the AO, reciting Hail Mary prayers with every step. The divine combination of cardio and prayer left the PAX feeling both uplifted and breathless.

Confessional Crawl:
The PAX, crawled through the sacred space, confessing their sins to the gloom above. Each confession was accompanied by a set of merkins, absolving the PAX of their earthly burdens.

Rosary Ruck:
PAX formed a circle, each carrying a symbolic “rosary” ruck, and took turns leading prayers while others performed lunges or squats. The beads might have been imaginary, but the burn was very real.

Penance Plank Parade:
The knotters formed a line, holding a plank position while confessing their workout sins. Each PAX member had to perform a penance exercise chosen by the brother to their left. It was a true test of strength, both physical and spiritual.

After enduring the divine wrath of Scantron’s creative workout, the PAX cooled down with stretches and reflections on the spiritual journey they had just undertaken. The knotters finally rejoined the runners and ruckers and YHC closed the session with a prayer of gratitude for the strength to face the Gloom together.

The Circle of Trust echoed with words of encouragement, gratitude, and perhaps a few groans of sore muscles. The knotters lifted each other up, thankful for the fellowship forged in the crucible of the workout. As the sun began to pierce through the morning mist, the PAX departed, ready to face the day with the divine soreness that only an F3 workout can provide.