Almost a red SOLO cup type of workout – from Jose10k
Almost a red SOLO cup type of workout – from Jose10k

Almost a red SOLO cup type of workout – from Jose10k

PAX:Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, Meatless BBQ, brainless Einstein, turbodog, a duckless Darkwing

YHC arrived at the A1C early to put in those RUNCAJUNRUN miles. I don’t know why, the TARDS are way behind the leaderboard, but I keep telling myself, Tanked up is about to get ramped up. I know that he’s too old now to really compete, but he’ll put in some miles. Even if it’s using a walker. I got back up to the top of the A1C, and there were no cars. I begin to think of the title of my backblast: 1 is the loneliest number, Han Solo, but with the passing of Toby Keith this week, it was going to be a Red Solo Cup. I was about to embark on a journey through the streets of Covington when at 5:16 I saw Fletch coming up the ramp. 1 minute later Moby came. Quick Warm-up
The Thang: A lot of sore bodies and bones, so we kept it simple. 5 burpees, 10 squats, then a quarter mile run. Rinse and repeat over and over again. Then of course, 3 calf raises on each step, all the way up. As I heard, it’s not a Jose Beat Down without calf raises. COT, YHC prayed us out. Safe travels to all going parading this weekend. Tank, why are we not seeing you on the leader board?