Count it out in Months – from Squints
Count it out in Months – from Squints

Count it out in Months – from Squints

PAX:Heisenberg, Smooth, Fracsac, Squints

Not sure if we’ve met. I’m JBL Flip 6, but you can call me JB, that’s what my cool master calls me. We’ve been together for almost 2 years now. That’s a really long time. I was being held tight Saturday morning at 0630 and could feel the surge of my partner that was connecting us. My partner is an iphone. Not gonna lie, I’m a little jealous ‘cause he gets all the attention. But when he needs to be heard, I’m front and center! I started dropping my jams from my partner, which was 90s alternative rock. Not my favorite, but I still dig it. I was thinking my master was about to drop the hammer….then this guy Squints starts talking. He gave a great disclaimer then took us to the peristyle and got us warmed up. I’ve never seen pax move to “I’m just a Girl” from No Doubt like they did. It’s no Xanadu, but it is what it is. This Squints guy knows his stuff, he must be well experienced in this Q leadership thing. With the warmup over, I’m sure my main man is going to take charge. Then Squints says let’s mosey. I don’t know what’s happening. I’m picked up and off we go behind the coffee place where I’ve seen guys clean up in the past. I guess they don’t do that anymore. It looks clean and they probably still take credit. I need to dial up a tune on consistency, or maybe iphone can do an ebook about doing hard things.
Squints leads the pax to the island behind the coffee shop where some benches are located. I get set on one next to iphone. I’m having a good time just blaring out some Chris Cornell. He’s the best. I hear Squints ask my master if he knows how old he is in months. There’s no way he knows, he’s not very smart. I’m 24 months, he can’t be much more. I was right, he didn’t know. So Squints tells them he designed a routine that will total the months of age of my master. I thought I heard 650 months, but I must have misunderstood. My master is deaf, which apparently was passed on to me. They did bear crawls over 2 bridges, ‘mericans, reverse sweat angels, air presses in the peoples chair, step ups, and jump squats. Doing that for 5 rounds is supposed to total somewhere around 650 reps. I probably missed something because I got left at the island. I was eventually brought back at the end when everyone was finished. I was ready for my fearless leader to do something super original. Squints hands the Q off for the last evolution! Yes, this is gonna be awesome! My idol takes us back toward the great lawn and stops at the light poles in the parking lot. I got my hopes up for nothing. I forgot how disappointing this guy is. He’s certainly no Squints. We do a route 54 with burpees, which was 9 at the first pole, 9 at the second, then 8, then 7, and so on. That totals 54 when all done. Once complete, they did some Mary where I was in the middle, which is where I belong, then back to the flag. If this were a Q vs Q, Squints would have won for sure.

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