21 Strong
21 Strong

21 Strong

PAX:Circus Yo-Yo, Thighs, Woz, Two Yutes, Rudy, Hokie Pokey, Cruiser (F3 Houston), Stooge, Hawgcycle, Jingle Vader, Kimchi, Cowbell, Out For Justice, El Guapo, Triple Shift, Catfish (FNG), 86, Douille, Bongo, Abacus

After participating in the Tchoupitoulas Bar-A-Thon the night before with approximately a dozen other F3 Beer Champions, YHC did not want to get up and post, much less Q, at the Mothership.  However, the being held accountable part of the F3 creed sat front and center of my brain, right next to the hangover part.  YHC could not let my F3 brothers down.

YHC was eager to see how many other Bar-A-Thon patrons would post, but that thought quickly went away upon seeing Cruiser in attendance from Houston, aka New Orleans West according to Hawg.

With 4 shovel flags planted, YHC quietly set out some cones in the parking lot and returned to the group of 20 other men that had assembled.  The clock struck 0630, time for a disclaimer, which YHC did give contrary to what Triple Shift says……and mosey toward the Peristyle.  Some of the sprinklers were jetting out water on the already rain soaked Great lawn, so YHC was attempting to avoid it, but Rudy talked the Q into testing it.  So, circle up on the Great Lawn, but we wouldn’t be here long…..

SSH IC x 31
Hillbilly’s IC x 20
Abe Vigodas IC x 10
Peter Parker IC x 20
Mountain Climber IC x 20
Parker Peter IC x 20

Mosey to the strategically placed cones in the parking lot. Set up to mirror a basketball court, it was time for some suicides. Start at baseline, sprint to first line, sprint back and do exercise. Sprint to Half Court, sprint back and do exercise. Sprint to third line, sprint back and do exercise. Sprint full court, sprint back and do exercise. That’s one evolution.
First Evolution – 5 Burpees OYO upon returning to baseline each time.
Second Evolution – 5 Eight Count Body Builders IC upon returning to baseline each time.
Third Evolution – 5 Copperhead Squats IC upon returning to baseline each time.
Fourth Evolution – No exercises, just sprint to each line and back retrieving the cones.

Mosey to trees near NOMA
Line up at the first tree, and bear crawl to third tree. Lunges IC x 10
Bear crawl from third tree to fifth tree. At this point, Rudy indicated a large pool of standing water near tree six that the Pax should engage. Looking back, YHC may have lost a great opportunity. Maybe next time…..
Circle Up for Jack Webb
1 merkin, 2 air presses
2 merkin, 4 air presses
You get the idea
10 merkins, 20 air presses
Kong walk from fifth tree back to third tree, Squats IC x 10
Duck walk from third tree back to first tree, Monkey Humpers IC x 20

Mosey to the fountain by NOMA. The regular Cross Fitters were on the steps doing Burpees, which the Pax began to critique. YHC decided to stay off the steps this day, we don’t need a West Side Story BB……
RL Step Ups IC x 20
Freak nasties IC x 20
LL Step Ups IC x 20

Mosey to the narrow strip of grass in front of NOMA and elbow plank up in two columns.
Pax Bridge Jumps. Last man jumps over each Pax and assumes plank position in the front. Each Pax does 3. Although there were two teams, there was no competition here, YHC just wanted to equally spread the suck around. Speaking of Suck…
Mosey back near the standing water that continued to call to Rudy for “The Suck”

Three minutes of the following exercise over and over again
7 Merkins
7 Squat Jumps
The Pax said something about it being 6, but YHC stood his ground. This day would suck that much more…..
YHC lost count, so not sure how many rounds were completed.

Mosey back to the road in front of NOMA and line up in the two columns again for a two column Indian Run back to the Flags. Upon arriving at the flags with one minute to spare, YHC called a sudden change and directed all back to the Great Lawn for 10 Burpees OYO to seal the deal!


Count Off, Nam-O-Rama, Announcements, Intentions and Closed with a prayer.


T-Claps to our IT guy for making the F3 website easy to find and the workouts well defined. Our newest FNG found F3 by searching the web and posted at the Mothership! Welcome Catfish! I think it has something to do with the Notre Dame scam, but who knows. Ask Rudy about it.
It was a pleasure having Cruiser from Houston post. Cruiser is an inspiration to us all, a true HIM! Cruiser, know that you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers.
T-Claps to Woz for leading the bible study at 8:15 post coffeeteria.

YHC intended to create a beatdown to recognize Armed Forces Day.  The 5 of each exercise in the suicides represented the 5 branches of our great military.  Thanks to all who serve and to our veterans.

Thanks for posting with me today, for holding me accountable, and for making me a better husband, father, and man.