Arms, Legs, Core and Funk – from BBQ
Arms, Legs, Core and Funk – from BBQ

Arms, Legs, Core and Funk – from BBQ

PAX:BBQ, Bean, Einstein, Fletch, Mobydick, TurboTax, Maverick

Arms, Legs, Core and Funk. The weather cleared but the beat down stayed under the roof at The Gipper. Warm ups were side straddle hops, grass grabbers, wind mills, regular and inverted imperial walkers, regular and inverted Peter Parkers. Self love, arm circles and cherry pickers. Arm work outs with coupons were curls, military press and rows or kettle swings. Legs were Al Gore meets George Thoroughgood, Bonnie Blair’s and squats. The reps for each exercise was 10,15, 20, 15,10 and 5. Core work of of 20 reps each. Freddie Mercury, Flutter kick, American hammer, leg raises, scuba Steve, Einstein’s leg and arm stretches, LBC’s and crunchy frogs. Music was added for the crunchy frogs. Cow Bell led to “ Get the funk out of my face” by The Brothers Johnson. The 1977 disco tune turned the last exercise into the funky crunchy frog and for a moment it was F4! Fitness, Fellowship, Faith and Funk! Fletch prayed us out.