<span class="vcard">Bushwacker</span>

Jingle Ballz

YHC arrived to a festively lit Grandmother’s House to find the likes of Hammer, Steve, and Garfield (the latter whom took off with some of his running peeps). John (EH of Goose) pulled up to join us for the 1st time, Pelican, as is his tendency, walked up seemingly out …

Peer Pressure from the Pre-Tarded

A potential trio scramble featuring YHC, Hammer, and The Pelican in da Hood was dashed by the simultaneous assemblage of avengers Steve, Shooter, Akbar, and Pik. WARM O RAMA x10 IC: High Knees, Butt Kicks, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches, Mountain Climbers, Scorpion Kicks. It wouldn’t be a proper scramble warm …


It’s been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results (or there-abouts). Though I’m not sure if it’s insanity or simple forgetfulness that leads YHC to return time after time to the Marsh with core on the brain, only to leave with a …

Whats a “Slow-Zee”?

A little chilly for your preference or, as Turbo would have us all believe, perfect running weather? Well, as YHC philosophizes, everything in life is relative, and this is simply one more example. My heart was gladdened to hear that, like myself, Cowbell feels more distinctly at home in the …

You Can’t Always Get What you Want…(No EI, No Yoga, Nothing!)

Arriving at a “late-ish” 5:11, YHC saw no PAX and no flag. Though Akbar’s presence was detected on account of the glowing dash lights eminating from the arborous darkness of the parking lot. More mysterious and less detectable was true-to-his-word Garfield, who was suddenly spotted lurking in the shadows casually …