Battle Frisburpee at the Foundry – from Fast Tax
Battle Frisburpee at the Foundry – from Fast Tax

Battle Frisburpee at the Foundry – from Fast Tax

QIC:Fast Tax
PAX:Backed up, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Mallcop, Mama’s Pride, Saban, Scooter

It was the usual hot, humid, and sloppy August morning at the Founrdy, but at least it wasn’t raining. As the clock hit 5:30 there were 5 of us and, after the usual disclaimer, we moseyed a ways and began our warmup. We were soon joined by two more, much to YHC’s relief, because Battle Frisburpee can’t be played with five. Thus YHC was spared having to call an audible.

Warmups included some Pontiff favorites:
Hairy Rockettes
Mountain Man Poopers
And Frac’s favorite – Wife-Pleasing Crab Merkins

Sufficiently warmed we headed to the track for the first exercise, the Quarter Pounder. Admittedly, YHC wanted to guinea pig this one at Foundry before trying it at Pontiff.
With PAX lined up on the track along the edge of the field, we sprinted to the 25 yards and did 25 merkins, ran backwards to Start, sprinted to the 50 and did 50 squats, Backwards to Start Line, sprinted to the 75 and did 75 Mountain Climbers, Ran backwards to the goal line and sprinted to the hundred and did 100 SSH. Plank and wait for six.

The next event was Captain Thor, an ab exercise performed OYO, start with 1 BBS followed immediately by 4 American Hammers, increasing by 1:4 each rep, 10 reps. For those who like to avoid math, the total effort was 55 BBS and 220 Amer Hammers.

Having dispensed with the pleasantries, it was game-on, BATTLE FRISBURPEE time.

Team 1: Fast Tax, Fracsac, Backed Up
Team 2: Mall Cop, Mama’s Pride, Saban

After a quick recitation of the rules for those PAX who were new to the game, we commenced. Given that it was 3-on-3, strategy was everything. Team 1 clearly owned the 1st quarter, 2-0. Halfway through, Team 2 had battled back. The rest of the game belonged to Team 2, winning with a final score of 5-3.

It was agreed by all that a larger game of Lakeview vs Metairie was in order.

With game over we headed to COT for name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer.
Thanks for the fellowship and the chance to lead at The Foundry!