“Mr. Shooter are you done yet?” – from Shooter
“Mr. Shooter are you done yet?” – from Shooter

“Mr. Shooter are you done yet?” – from Shooter

PAX:Barely Legal, Bushwacker, Fletch, Mobydick

Mid 40s with chatter all around, but discussions were not as appealing for some as Sir Wacker placed his bum on the concrete wall around the stage.. Fletch and YHC were engaged in hunters lingo, as Moby and Legal were chatting it up, not sure of the topic but YHC quickly got the hint to move along..
With modifications needed from the previous weeks trip up (some of you out there get that one 😬) we jumped into an extended warmup.
Grass grabbers, SSH, Imperial walkers, Hillbillies, Goof balls, Self-love, Torso twists, Mummy kicks and Seal jacks.. 10IC for all, maybe a few or a few less, as Fletch was the only PAX at first responding with the count until the occasional voice of Legal pierced the air.. Moseyed to the school board for some leg swings OYO 10 forwards/backwards and side to side. To the front for Al Gore kick ups as PAX took cycles around the building and back.
Moseyed to the garage for chill-cut blank while each PAX sprinted up and Moseyed back. Over to the front of the courthouse for box jump’s and step ups while each PAX cycled through bunny hops up the steps and returned. Moseyed back for close out with Core.
LBCs, Little Manny crunches, WW1 sit-ups and Big Boys closing with ETKs..

Appreciate the appreciative and grateful Wacker for our COT after count and announce!!

Until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!